Michael Bibi Donates Results From Comeback Concert To Cancer Foundation
Michael Bibi (third from the left) when making a donation (Instagram @village_bi_)

JAKARTA - Disjoki (DJ) from England, Michael Bibi, donated the results obtained from the One Life concert to a hospital in London, which is where he is undergoing cancer treatment.

It is known that Bibi, who has cancer, has made a comeback through a performance titled One Life. Throughout July to the end of September, the Dj appeared at five points in Europe.

Through uploads on Instagram, Bibi also shared the moment when she returned to the hospital, met representatives of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, and gave donations.

Seen from the upload, Bibi donated 124,832, 25 pounds, equivalent to Rp2.5 billion.

"Today I visited @royalmarsden for routine checks and gave the money we collected from the @onelifeofc1 show at Finsbury Park to the staff," wrote mIchael Bibi, quoted from the uploaded statement, Thursday, September 12.

Bibi expressed her gratitude to everyone who had helped her comeback. That way, the donation money can be collected.

"To everyone who is part of this show, thank you for allowing this to happen," said Bibi.

'Through you, we have directly helped others like me and helped make differences in saving more lives. My heart is full, thank you.'

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