Sheila On7 Concert In Makassar Will Be Attended By 20 Thousands Of Spectators
Sheila On7 Concert (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Sheila On7's Concert titled Wait for Me to be held at the Sport Center Plaza Telkom, Jalan Andi Pangeran Pettarani, Makassar, South Sulawesi on Saturday night, August 10.

The promoter of Antara Suara and Gold Live claimed the number of spectators present was 20,000.

"If you look at the data, there are about 20 thousand spectators present. Fans Sheila Genk is not only from Makassar, but from various regions some even come from Singapore to watch specifically Sheila On7," said promoter CEO Antara Suara Andri Verraning Ayu during a press conference at the Telkom Plaza Media Center. Makassar, Saturday, August 10.

He explained that the Sheila On7 concert which was held in five cities, namely Jakarta, Makassar, Pekanbaru, Medan, and Bandung gave an exclusive impression. Why did you choose Makassar City, because this legendary band has not held concerts in Makassar for a long time.

"We have also coordinated with the police, the Transportation Service and the Parking PD. For parking bags, 10 points have been provided around the concert area," he explained accompanied by promoter Gold Live Faqih Mulyawan as quoted by ANTARA.

In addition, the choice of the Telkom Plaza Sport Center as a concert location, he said, apart from being in the middle of the city, also facilitated audience access and had thought about access to his return.

"From the information we have obtained, the presence of Sheila On7 concerts in Makassar has also boosted the economy here, even MSMEs are also involved in the concert area," he added.

The concert was opened by a band from Makassar, Airship. This band performed with enthusiasm by consisting of Muhammad Ayat on vocals and guitars, Saleh Hariwibowo on guitar, Mardhan Maing playing bass, and Bobby Pramusdi acting drummer.

"We were shocked and happy to be able to appear at an event of this size. This stage provides valuable experiences, especially since the audience is up to 20 thousand," said Paragraph.

The Airship Band also appreciated the "Business of the City" program for helping introduce the talents of new musicians, especially bands outside Java.

"Bising City often conducts research and provides space for new bands to appear. This is very important for us, even though it is outside the center of the national music industry," he added.

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