Song Kembali Jadi Repertoar Pembuka Konser Tunggal Anggun Di Jakarta
Anggun opened the concert by performing the song Kembali. (VOI/Ivan Two Putra)

JAKARTA - Anggun started a concert titled "Enchanting Anggun and Friends" by bringing "Back" as the opening repertoire.

Meanwhile, the single Anggun C Sasmi concert will be held at the Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) tonight, Sunday, July 28.

"Good night Jakarta," said Anggun greeting the audience present.

The 50-year-old singer appeared to crash from the start, with an orchestra. Thousands of spectators who filled the concert location also sang to follow the music.

Meanwhile, 'Back' is an Indonesian version of the original song entitled 'A Rose in the Wind'.

The English version written by Erick Benzi and Nikki totaled in Anggun's first international album titled 'Snow on the Sahara' (1997).

For information, the Enchenging Anggun and Friends concert was accompanied by Magentha Orchestra led by Andi Rianto.

Several guest musicians were also presented, namely Achmad Albar, Ian Antono, Isyana Sarasvati and Fabio Aser.

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