How To Play Rebab, Gesek Musical Tool With A Charming Voice
How to play rebab (Tropen Museum)

YOGYAKARTA - Rebab is one of the traditional musical instruments that is played by swiping. This musical instrument is able to produce a melodious sound and has its own characteristics. Even though it is rare to wear it, it turns out that many people are curious and interested in learning how to play the rebab.

Rebab is a musical instrument or cordopone' instrument such as a violin. Cryptophones are musical instruments that emit the sound of a threaded string or string. The sound of the recob sounds beautiful and is airy melodious according to the rhythm played.

Rebab musical instruments are synonymous with traditional performances or performances in the archipelago, such as wayang, silat accompaniment, and others. The use of rebab is spread across various regions or communities, ranging from Java, Sundanese, and Malay. However, actually this instrument is not purely from the archipelago, but comes from the Middle East.

Rebab has three strings attached to its neck. Unlike the four-snarred violin, the way to play the rebab also requires understanding and its own techniques.

Rebab is a musical instrument from the Middle East that spreads to various countries and is adapted to follow existing cultures. This musical instrument is thought to have emerged around the 8th century and spread through the Islamic trade route that is widely traversed in the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Europe.

This frictional instrument has entered a number of countries since time immemorial, such as India, Persia, Western Europe, China, to Southeast Asia or the archipelago. The name of the rebab musical instrument in each country is also different. For example, in Persia it is called Rubab, in Arabia it is called Rabab, in India it is named Sarod.

In Indonesia itself, the rebab musical instrument is played by the people of Malay, Java, Sundanese, and Kalimantan. When entering the archipelago, this musical instrument game has a different color or pattern with a rebab from its home country. By the people in Indonesia, this musical instrument is played in cultural and traditional traditional events.

Rebab, played by swiping its strings using a special bow. This musical instrument is generally small-sized, round-body with the front connected to a membrane similar to a sickle and has a long neck. The recob does not have a tone board, but has a thin long neck with one to three strings.

Rebab arcs are generally more convex than violin arcs. If the recob is played with a tilted position that is usually leaned on the shoulder or upper arm, the recob is played in an upright position on the floor or on the lap of the player. The rebab strings are made of rope and there are long stalks on top of their body equipped with two players to regulate string tensions.

Like other musical instruments, the rebab has a tone ladder, known as a pentatonic tone consisting of five notes in one octave. In the past, rebab was often played in ancient music such as gamelan, American music, and Indian music.

Here are three ways that you can practice trying to play a rebab musical instrument:

That's how to play the rebab that you can learn to try this musical instrument. It's not easy to be able to immediately play the rebab smoothly. You need to practice consistently and feel the rhythm. Also read Balinese traditional musical instruments in traditional events.

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