Info For The 22nd Anniversary Of Maliq & D'Essentials Concert In Jakarta
Maliq & D Essentials (Instagram @maliqmusic)

JAKARTA - Maliq & D'Essentials is getting more mature at the age of 22 years of their career. Angga et al still exist in young to adult society through a series of old hits to the most recent.

Celebrating this moment, this Jakarta music group will hold an anniversary concert on 29 May. This concert is open to all fans who want to watch, aka free.

'Untitled' to 'We Make Romantic' will be presented live at Ashta District 8 in the South Jakarta area. From the uploads of Maliq & D'Essentials and Warner Music Indonesia, the event will be launched around 19.00 WIB.

Accompanimenting the anniversary concert, Maliq will also present their full album entitled 'Can Machines Fall In Love' the day after, May 30.

Most likely, Maliq & D'Essentials will perform songs that have not been released (on the album) in anniversary concerts. What is certain is that the two songs from this album will not be missed, namely 'Aduh' and 'We Make Romantic'.

Seeing the prestige of Maliq & D'Essentials getting worse in 2024, of course this free concert will be in demand by many people. Make sure you come early to get the most strategic spot.

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