Ipay Denies Receiving IDR 2.2 Million From Ian Kasela For The Cinderella Copyright Agreement
Ipay after reporting Ian Kasela at Polda Metro Jaya (Ivan Two Men/VOI)

JAKARTA - Rival Achmad Labbaka alias Ipay denied Ian Kasela's statement that an agreement had been signed regarding the copyright of the Cinderella song.

Ipay even said that he had never received money from Radja or the music label that oversees them, as circulated by rumors that Ipay had received IDR 2.2 million.

"When will the payment be paid? I have never received a payment of Rp. 2.2 million," said Ipay to the media crew at Polda Metro Jaya on Friday, September 1.

The man who claims to be the sole creator of the Cinderella song said that the figures circulating make no sense, when compared to the fame of his songs.

"If there is Rp2.2 million, is the royalty value appropriate? I have never received Rp2.2 million," he said.

Meanwhile, previously Ian Kasela through his attorney stated that there had been an official transfer of rights to the song Cinderella.

The transfer was called Sunan Kalijaga as Ian Kasela's attorney in 2010. Sunan Kalijaga informed that the cost of transferring the right to the Cinderella song was based on a mutual agreement with Ipay of around Rp. 2 million.

Meanwhile, Ipay had sent a subpoena to Ian Kasela on July 25. He claims to be the sole creator of Cinderella's song and demands compensation of Rp. 20 billion.

Ipay admitted that he had never received royalties for the copyright of the Cinderella song, which has been one of Radja's mainstay songs.

Not satisfied with the summons, Ipay also reported Ian Kasela to the Polda Metro Jaya on September 1 for alleged copyright infringement.

Meanwhile, Ian Kasela first reported Ipay to the police. The vocalist from South Kalimantan made a report on the alleged identity forgery.

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