What Is Hadroh Who Appears At Kaesang Erina's Wedding? This Is The History Of Its Development In Indonesia And Its Use
Illustration of hadroh (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA - Hadrah music is often performed in various regions in Indonesia. Hadrah is a distinctive music of Islam that has spread widely in the country. In Indonesia, hadroh music is played by adjusting traditional music, both in songs and in musical instruments.

Hadroh is usually performed to accompany the singing of salawat which contains religious and socio-cultural messages. Hadroh musical instruments can be played by anyone, both men and women.

The existence of hadroh's own music arts is quite popular in Indonesia because the majority of the population is Muslim. Hadroh music is often played in a number of Islamic religious events, such as the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Isra Miraj, haul, and recitation. In addition, this music is also sometimes performed in weddings and the birth of babies.

Hadroh comes from the word Arabic, hadhoro-yahdhuru-hadhrotan. Meanwhile, according to the practice term, hadroh refers to some presentoh. Hadroh is a rhythm that is listened to which comes from a musical instrument.

Hadroh, according to the term sufi, is a method used to pave the way to Allah. Hadroh's musical instrument is played to strengthen the heart of the absorber so that he can be aware of God's presence.

Among the people of East Java, hadroh is better known by the name of flying. The mention comes from a Tambourine musical instrument used as a fly to bring hadroh.

Terbangan merupakan term untuk menyebutkan alat musik rebana yang dimainkan secri bersama dalam kelompok. Para anggota dalam kelompok membunyikan rebana dengan cara dituk. Alat musik rebana yang digunakan terdiri dari berbagai ukuran.

Tambourines used in hadroh are made of mahogany or jackfruit wood. In addition, tambourine musical instruments are also made from good quality goat skin ingredients. The skin chosen is the skin of the back so that it lasts long and is resistant to the hard blow.

The art of hadroh music was initially an activity of the sufi in calling for the nature of Allah while standing, rhythmizing, and swaying as a group. The musical instrument of Tambourine or hadroh was played to accompany the chanting of the prophet's salawat.

The art of hadroh was used by ancient ulama as a medium of preaching, Through the art of hadroh, ulama can convey Islamic teachings and messages more easily accepted by the community.

The history of hadroh in Indonesia began to be introduced in the 13th century hijri. According to history, hadroh was brought by a great scholar from Yemen named Habib Ali bin Muhammad bin Husain Al-Habsyi.

The art of hadroh in East Java has a historical connection with the development of Islamic defendants carried out by Wali Songo. Hadrah is said to have been used by guardians to introduce Islamic teachings to the people of Java

That is the history of hadroh musical instruments in Indonesia and their use. Hadroh is one of the Islamic arts used to broadcast Islamic teachings. Until now, this musical instrument is still often played, especially by the Islamic community in Java.

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