E-3008 LIstric SUV Launches On September 12, Adds Peugeot Electrification Ranks
The preview model of Peugeot e-3008 is shrouded in camouflage livery. (Doc. Peugeot

JAKARTA - In order to strengthen its electrification line, Peugeot is rumored to be launching an electric-driven SUV on September 12.

The SUV is known as Peugeot e-3008 with radical changes and carries cutting-edge technology.

Reporting from Autocar, Monday, September 4, images of cars with camouflage stickers have been spread across social media, Peugeot e-3008 will be the first model to be equipped with an i-Cockpit update feature.

This latest infotainment system will be applied to most Peugeot models. The interior also features a 21-inch curved panorama display that extends from the rear of the wheel to the center of the dashboard.

This car looks more luxurious with the latest digital cluster instrument, ambient LED lighting, and redesigned steering wheel. There are several cabin interior functions that are more practical in replacing conventional buttons.

Peugeot e-3008's presence also marks the return of the touchpad i-Toggle system and dental voters have moved to the dashboard next to the car's start button.

Peugeot e-3008 is also the first model of the brand to use Stellantis' latest platform, STLA Medium, promising major changes in performance and more functionally compared to the old PSA Group platform.

In addition, there are three powertrain options offered, including a dual electric motor with a four-wheel drive system. It is reported that this will provide a range of up to 700 km.

Meanwhile, the electricity version of the larger Peugeot 5008 will also use the same platform, powertrain, and battery as Peugeot e-3008.

Thus, Peugeot will strengthen the ranks of its electrification models after the French manufacturer previously introduced seven ranks of EV models to be launched until 2030 using the concept of Inception.

Three of the models can be ascertained are e-3008, which is positioned between e-2008 and e-5008. Each model has a more manly proportion than its predecessor and will not be much different from the concept model.

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