Kartini Day And The Beginning Of Raden Ayu's Struggle
RA Kartini (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

JAKARTA - Wednesday, April 21, we will celebrate Kartini Day. Kartini Day is synonymous with a number of things, including the struggle for emancipation and the use of traditional clothing. How did the Kartini Day celebrations begin?

Reported from various sources, the figure of RA Kartini is closely related to the struggle for equality between men and women, which is also known as emancipation. Kartini disagrees with hereditary culture that places women in a passive position in life.

Kartini's Day was related to Letter Number 108 of 1964 which was signed by Soekarno on May 2, 1964. In that letter Soekarno designated Kartini as a National Independence Hero.

In the same letter, Soekarno also set April 21 as the celebration of Kartini's Day as the National Great Day. April 21 was chosen based on Kartini's birthday in Jepara, Central Java, April 21, 1879.

Kartini was born in a Javanese aristocratic family. Kartini's father was the Regent of Jepara Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat. Even so, he only received education until he was 12 years old. At that time, whoever he is, a woman must stay at home to be secluded.

Kartini made a dream come true

Kartini's Dutch language skills enabled her to break through that barrier. Kartini continued her education independently, one of which was by reading the newspaper De Locomotief.

From reading, Kartini decided to write. Kartini's writing ideas were often sent to newspapers for publication. One of the aims of Kartini's writing was brought to the daily De Hollandsche Lelie.

Kartini reaches another point by meeting her pen friends. The correspondence conversation with pen pals encouraged Kartini to increase the status of indigenous women.

Kartini's goals were not only related to the level and rank of women but also to many other social problems. After marrying the Regent of Rembang KRM Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat, Kartini began to realize her dream.

He founded a women's school. It is located to the east of the gate of the Rembang Regent's Office. This school is now the Scout Building.

Kartini founded other schools under the Kartini School Foundation. After Rembang, a women's school was founded in Semarang in 1912.

After Semarang, a number of cities followed, including Cirebon, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Madiun, to Malang and various other regions in the archipelago. In establishing these schools Kartini was assisted by a Dutch ethical political figure, Van Deventer.

* Read other information about HISTORY or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabhharata.


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