JAKARTA Memories of today, nine years ago, January 12, 2016, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) revealed the actions of the famous singer AgnesMonicatampil in Arabic clothes that did not insult Islam. MUI emphasized that not all Arabic writings were same as the Al Quran.
Previously, Agnes' action was supported by clothes written in Arabic muttahidah or the union of polemic tuai. Agnes was criticized by many parties because they were considered to be looking for sensations. Even worse accused of tarnishing Islam.
No one doubts the holy code of Muslims, the Quran is written in Arabic. The writing is because the Qur'an was passed down there. Arabic is also used in everyday life. This condition makes it not so difficult for local people to read the Koran.
It's different in Indonesia. Not a few think that Arabic is a holy Al-Quran language. The use of the language should not be arbitrary. This condition occurred when AgnesMonica wore clothes with the words Arabalmuttahidah in his appearance at a national television station in early January 2016.
Kata yang berarti persatuan itu sebenarnya tidak berhubungannya dengan Al Quran. Namun, respons yang didapat Agnesjustru kecaman. Banyak yang menganggap Agnes mencari sensation dengan menggunakan kata Arabdi katanya.
They criticized Agnes because they felt that Arabic writing had something to do with the Quran. The criticism of Agnes against religion also appeared in the mass media and the social media world. Some are pros and some are cons.
Those who support Agnes feel that the Arabic language is free to be used by many people in various interests. Its use is unlimited to Muslims. Other religions can also use it the same as other languages in the world. Those who counter think that Agnes has insulted religion. No more.
"It means good with the expression of unity/of the union, but why should it be in Arabic? Even though it's not the mother that made it, but why don't you want to wear it? What motivation? And why don't you just use Latin writing or UNITED, everyone understands. Miss is well known, you don't need to look for a sensation to be in the name of non-non-nance again @agnezmo," wrote the account @rief_gumilar quoted by the Tribun page, January 12, 2016.
Debates have emerged everywhere. The threat to Agnesbejibun. The debate even reached the audience. The MUI also tried to straighten out the problem of clothes with Arabic writing on January 12, 2016.
MUI revealed that the Arabic writing on the clothes worn by Agnes was not part of the holy Quran. Agnes is considered by MUI not to tarnish religion. MUI urges the Indonesian people not to blaspheme quickly and understand that Arabic is a language that is free to use by anyone.
"Arabic writing on its clothing does not mean tarnishing the sacredness of Islam. Because writing is not a Quranic verse. Katalmuttahidah means unity,"
"Even though the Koran uses Arabic, it does not mean its sacredness is the same. Yes, it is okay and does not tarnish Islam," said Chairman of the Central DakwahMUI, CHOril Nafis, quoted on the Liputan6.com page, January 12, 2016.
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