Free Food Ala Mbak Tutut: Santa Claus Program Helps Victims Of New Order Era Layoffs
Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana (Mbak Tutut) who served as Minister of Social Affairs in the era of March 14, 1998 May 21, 1998. (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Indonesian people have been miserable due to the shock of the 1997-1998 economic recession. The fall in the rupiah exchange rate made the whole of Indonesia panic. Prices rose, from electronics to basic necessities. This condition got worse because a storm of layoffs occurred everywhere.

The New Order Government is trying to overcome it. The owner of power presents a free food program for layoff victims. Suharto's son, Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana (Mbak Tutut) who is the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) is the executor. The program is remembered as the Santa Claus program.

No one dared to predict when Suharto and New Order would collapse. Both are important markers of a repressive and anti-critic government. Whoever shakes his power, will surely be exiled sometimes also removed.

The problem is that the New Order enemy this time is no longer its own people. The enemy is the 1997-1998 economic recession. The drop in the rupiah exchange rate is the estuary of the problem. Panic appears everywhere. Companies with existing businesses are in disarray.

Many raw materials have increased. They were no longer able to pay their employees' salaries. This condition caused a storm of layoffs to occur. Unemployment appears everywhere. The dishonor continued with soaring prices. People's life principles fell to the lowest level.

The New Order government actually does not remain silent. They continue to make efforts by presenting steps to deal with the crisis. Big steps try to be played. The short-term step is unforgettable. Suharto's son, Mbak Tutut, who became Social Minister, once launched a short-term program of the Rupiah Love Movement.

Mbak Tutut tried to invite officials and entrepreneurs to exchange dollars into rupiah. The option did not run optimally. Suharto also asked Mbak Tutut to immediately implement another policy in the form of free feeding included in the Monetary Crisis Social Impact (PPDSKM) project.

The program was launched on March 20, 1998. The government is trying to provide free meals in collaboration with simple stalls such as Warung Tegal (Warteg) for those who have been laid off and have difficulty living. The program provoked pros and cons.

"But that dull portrait is what is now making it happen. In fact, it's even more real if we listen to the first trial of the new cabinet. A trial that I hope will give macro directions on how we can get out of the crisis process now. It turns out that it's not. It's precisely the problem of warteg hagal stalls that will be used to provide free food for victims of layoffs which arises.

"I don't dare to underestimate things that smell caritative, although I don't agree. I also believe that Mr. Harto has good intentions in launching the program. an intention that is more than just to buy people's hearts. Likewise, Ms. Tutut, the implementer. However, if a move that smells of a centerclass complex a egoism to become a provider or a helper. It is considered an important program to overcome community problems, it is clearly wrong. And, then a number of key ministers must have a coordination meeting in the social department," said Zaim Uchrowi in the book Pegas Renaisans Indonesia (2004).

The free meal program starts running in Jakarta and as other Javanese islands. The government has collaborated with hundreds of simple stalls. Anyone who gets laid off will be distributed coupons every day. They will get coupons exchanged for free lunch.

The free food distributed is limited to IDR 1,500 per serving. It contains rice and side dishes. The program is being hunted by many people. A difficult economy is the estuary. Some eat on the spot. There are also those who make emotion. Food wrapped is brought home so that it can be eaten with family.

The program was greeted with joy. At first, traders were happy that their turnover had increased. People who have been laid off have been helped. This condition makes the free meal program often dubbed the Santa Claus program. The figure of a holy man who often distributes gifts to children, especially children, people do not have when Christmas arrives.

It may be that at first the free meal program went smoothly. However, that doesn't mean no problem. The food coupons distributed are limited. The government seems to have difficulty determining who is obliged to receive coupons.

Many of these errors were found in each corner. There are also those who do not carry coupons for new reasons of layoffs, then take food. An action that makes several simple stalls go deep. Not to mention the limited business of the program coverage only in Jakarta and parts of Java.

This problem occurs because the short-term program only relies on small funds. The funds come from cutting the president's salary to his staff for a year. The rest of the funds came from donors. Mbak Tutut appealed to many entrepreneurs to donate.

The free meal program is indeed able to reduce the burden on the community. Even though there are many problems here and there. The program did not last long. Like a Santa Claus who after Christmas disappeared. Likewise, free meals like Mbak Tutut. After Suharto stepped down and the New Order collapsed his free meal program also disappeared.

"If there are people who are overzealous, please donate through the Social Minister's account at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) with account number 31010798," Mbak Tutut was quoted as saying by the Kompas Daily newspaper entitled Social Minister Share Food Coupons (1998).

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