Anies Baswedan Tegaskan Langkah Sebelah Pulau Reklamasi Sudah Benar Dalam Memori Hari Ini, 10 Juni 2018
Big picture of the plan for the reclamation island mega project. (ANTARA)

JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, June 10, 2018, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, emphasized that the steps to seal the islands of Reclamation C and D are the right decisions. This step made 932 building units not allowed to carry out activities.

Previously, pros and cons related to the Island of Reclamation appeared. Those who counter said that the Island of Reclamation only sided with investors, not all groups. Fishermen are increasingly difficult to find fish, even though the island is considered to have the potential to damage the environment.

The issue of the development of the Reclamation Island is getting stronger in the 2017 Jakarta Pilkada. All because of the decision of the cagub-cawagub candidate, Anies Baswedan- Sandiaga Uno, who wanted to stop the Reclamation Island development project.

The wish was wrapped into a campaign promise. The promise was considered a positive injection in the gubernatorial election campaign. Anies was also considered superior to Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) Djarot Saiful Hidayat who was pro-reclamation.

Anies said the presence of Reclamation Island only benefits some people, not everyone. This condition made Anies see a reclamation project like a symbol of injustice. Anies promised to find a way out so that the Island of Reclamation can benefit all groups.

Anies' promise did not escape opposition. Many have expressed that desire will not occur. However, conditions changed. Anies-Sandi was able to become the winner of the 2017 DKI Jakarta Pilkada. This means that they officially serve as the new Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.

This condition makes Jakarta residents believe that Anies can stop the reclamation project. The challenges are getting bigger. The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, has actually revoked the moratorium on the reclamation permit for Pulau C, D, and G in Jakarta Bay.

The revocation allowed the developers to resume reclamation activities in Jakarta Bay. Anies' opportunity to stop the Reclamation Island project as promised is again a question.

"This is a matter of partiality. The state is building a new territory for those who are super rich. Then you want to be silent? I choose not to let it, I will face it, I will find a way.

"But the position is clear. We want the territory added by the central government to be felt by all the people of Jakarta, even Indonesia, not just a group of people," said Anies via Twitter / X account on March 2, 2017.

Anies Baswedan did not want himself to be called just talking big. He and his staff then made a breakthrough. Anies firmly sealed the islands of Reclamation C and D on June 7, 2018.

The sealing was carried out because the developer was considered to be building without a Building Permit (IMB). A step that Anies considers to be against the law.

Anies' move sealed opposition from many parties. Anies chose to consider it just the wind. Anies actually believes that the steps he took by sealing the islands of Reclamation C and D made 932 building units unable to move as the right steps.

"My job is to enforce the rules, enforce the provisions. If you stick to the rules, enforce the provisions that we are on the right and strong parties. We are a country that regulates the entire Jakarta area and please follow the rules, and this is not a negotiation and there are no negotiations," Anies said as quoted by the ANTARA website, June 10, 2018.

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