These Are Things A Husband Can Do So That His Wife Can Quickly Feel The Climax
Illustration (Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Maintaining the harmony of domestic relations can start from the bed. Therefore, the bed relationship must be achieved in a way that is pleasing to both parties.

Not only the wife, but the husband is also responsible for satisfying his partner. For that, husbands must know the right tricks to make their wives feel abysmal pleasure. Here are 3 tricks that can be done, as reported by GenPi, Thursday, August 19.

Know women's sensitive points

Husbands must know the sensitive area of the wife. Because, women's sensitive areas to increase arousal are different.

For that, the husband must explore the areas on the wife's body one by one slowly until it feels comfortable. It is also to know the location of the wife's sensitive area.

Start with a warm-up

Foreplay or foreplay is very important to increase a partner's sexual arousal. For that, husbands should not need to rush in maneuvering in love.

Try to enjoy every touch given to your partner. According to a study in the Journal of Sex Research, women will be more quickly aroused to reach orgasm by starting foreplay.

Give a tempting compliment

When making love in bed, try to intersperse by giving compliments to tease your wife. Because, that way can be an alternative to make women more passionate and wild in bed, moreover they can be more comfortable.

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