Young Women Enter Puberty, These 5 Things Parents Need To Explain
Illustration of mother and child (Unsplash/Ergonomic)

JAKARTA – Entering puberty, the baby will experience changes. From a physical point of view to a mindset that was initially childish, then explore how it matures. For those of you who accompany young women entering puberty, there are 5 things that need to be explained to them.

Reported by Verywellfamily, Tuesday, August 10, here's what needs to be discussed with the baby.

1. Introduce change before it enters its time

Puberty is usually experienced at the age of 10-14 years. You can describe the biological changes in his body since he was 8 years old. Parents, especially mothers, need to explain about breast growth, menstrual cycles, and the outfits that need to be worn.

For example, at the age of 8-9 years, some parents have introduced minisets as breast covers. It also introduces how to maintain and work reproductive organs in women.

2. Discuss about the menstrual cycle

Knowledge of the menstrual cycle needs to be discussed by the mother with her daughter. Especially when he enters puberty. Why is this important?

In fact, many women have had traumatic experiences and are haunted by mythical stories about the menstrual cycle. So, when the baby gets his first menstruation, he has enough knowledge so that he knows the mechanism of action.

Mothers also find it easier to communicate with their children when they discuss the biological changes that occur when they enter puberty.

3. Prepare the necessary equipment

During the introduction period, make sure the child already knows what equipment he will need later. Starting from sanitary napkins, the types, to when to replace them and how to keep the feminine area clean.

4. Explain slowly and according to scientific facts

A lot of information about the menstrual cycle is shrouded in myth. Therefore, parents need to explore scientific facts about female reproductive organs. Explain it slowly to equip the child about the things he needs to pay attention to.

5. Discuss how hormones work in the body and pain during menstruation without dramatizing

Menstruation is related to the work of hormones. When experiencing menstruation, estrogen and estrogen will decrease when the egg is not fertilized. It's good, give your young women about it without being dramatic.

This provision is also the basis for the baby's knowledge to take care of himself as he grows older.

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