List Of Goods That Impoverish The Luck Of Chinese New Year And Its Meaning
Illustration of the Chinese New Year atmosphere (RDNE Stock Project)

JAKARTA - The Chinese community will celebrate the Chinese New Year on January 29, 2025. To complete the moment of gathering with family and celebrating a meaningful tradition, various special decorations are prepared to decorate the house.

Sinologist Yunitalia Yang to distribute recommendations for various goods that are usually at home during the Chinese New Year celebration, because it is believed to bring good luck, happiness, and prosperity. Check out the list of items below and their meaning and use, based on an official statement from Mr.DIY. received on Thursday, January 24, 2025.

The red Lantern is a classic symbol of Chinese New Year which symbolizes luck, happiness, and protection. Usually, lanterns are hung in front of homes or public places to create a festive atmosphere. The red color in Chinese New Year celebrations is believed to be able to expel bad energy and bring good luck throughout the year.

The tradition of giving angpao is never missed during Chinese New Year. Angpao, containing money in a red envelope, is given to children and unmarried people as a symbol of blessing and protection.

The Meihua flower symbolizes courage and perseverance in facing difficulties. Meihua flowers are usually used as home decorations to provide a feel of beauty as well as hope for luck in the new year.

Chunlian is a pair of words / poetry written on red paper and pasted on the door as a good luck prayer. This decoration is often equipped with illustrations ofmissions (length age),imetra (fertilities), or peony (richness), or other illustrations with deep meaning.

This decoration is usually hung upside down on the door or walls of the house during Chinese New Year. The letter "Fu" means happiness. When hung upside down, it creates a play of words in Mandarin, "fu dao le" which means "luck has come."

One of the traditions of the Chinese New Year morning is the feeding of tea by children to parents as a form of respect and gratitude for the love and guidance given. In return, parents give angpao to their children as a prayer and good hope.

The tradition of cleaning a house before the Chinese New Year is believed to be able to expel bad energy and pave the way for good luck in the new year. However, it is important to remember that this cleaning activity is carried out before Chinese New Year's Day, because on D day, cleaning is considered a "throw away of sustenance".

Those are some items for Chinese New Year decorations that can bring good luck. You can find these items at affordable prices at Mr.DIY.

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