Objects That Should Not Be Brought To Japan, Nekad Will Deal With The Law
Goods that are not allowed to be brought to Japan (freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Knowing the list of items that should not be brought to Japan, is becoming very important to avoid legal problems upon arrival in Japan.

Not many know that prohibited items in Japan, although the number can be very diverse, ranging from dangerous items such as weapons to items deemed to violate quarantine or copyright regulations.

Reporting from Japan's Live page, most meat products and animal derivative products are not allowed into Japan. In many countries, there are livestock diseases, and there are concerns about the spread of infectious diseases from meat products.

This product applies to raw meat, processed products, catchy packaging, and food residues from the plane.

Meat items are prohibited from entering Japan even if used for individuals or gifts. However, some products with inspection certificates issued by exporting state government agencies are excluded, including:

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Although various animal products above are prohibited from entering Japan, cheese is not so. Cheese is subject to animal quarantine regulations for dairy products, and processed cheese can be brought into Japan.

The condition is that cheese is carried in private baggage and Aanda is exempt from animal quarantine requirements, provided it weighs less than 10kg.

In addition to some of the above products, reported by the Custom Japan page, the following are items that are prohibited from entering under the law:

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