Understanding And Parental Actions Are Important To Overcome Stunting In Children
Illustration of stunting prevention (Pexels/CDC)

JAKARTA - Health problems such as stunting are still experienced by many children in Indonesia. According to the latest data from the 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), the stunting rate in Indonesia was initially 30.8 percent to 21.6 percent, but that number is still high based on WHO standards.

Therefore, prevention and handling of stunting problems in children must continue to be carried out. One of the parties who play an important role in this prevention is parents.

However, unfortunately, there are still quite a number of parents who are less educated and tend to find it difficult to accept if children are diagnosed with stunting. This makes stunting handling hampered and more difficult.

"There are still many parents in Indonesia who find it difficult to accept the reality or shame if their child is diagnosed with stunting and tends to deny diagnosis and refuse to be referred to the hospital for treatment," said Pediatrician, dr. Novitria Dwinanda, SpA(K), in Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Thursday, January 23, 2025.

Doctor Novi recommends that parents be open to education about stunting for the sake of children's health. He reminded that stunting is not an infectious disease and can be treated.

"It must be understood that stunting is not an infectious disease. Stunting can be treated. That must first be understood," he said.

"This means that by being treated and there is a cure, and there is a way, then seek treatment to a doctor who should be a pediatrician," he added.

Parents should not be afraid if their child is diagnosed with stunting and must take action to treat it to a pediatrician. This is because if it is not handled, stunting can inhibit child growth, especially brain function which can have a negative impact on their intelligence level.

"So don't be afraid if a doctor diagnoses his child stunting, that doesn't mean everything stops. That means we have to do what, we have to treat, what to do," concluded Doctor Novi.

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