Parents' Law Asks For Money From Children Who Are Religiously And Culturally Married
The law of parents asking for money from married children (Parkenimages-Freepik image)

YOGYAKARTA - In family life, the relationship between parents and children is often a complex topic of conversation, especially when children are married and have their own families. One of the topics that is often discussed is the law of parents asking for money from married children. In this article, we will discuss the point of view of religion, culture, and ethics regarding this matter.

Religious View Angle

In Islam, being devoted to parents (belal walidain) is a very emphasized obligation. Allah SWT obeys in the Qur'an:

And we order humans (to do well) to their parents; their mothers have been pregnant with them in an increasing weak state, and benefit in two years. Give it to Me and to your parents, only to Kulah kembalimu. (QS. Luqman: 14).

This verse shows the importance of doing good to parents, including helping them financially if needed. However, this obligation should not ignore the responsibility of the child to his own family, especially after marriage. In Islam, a husband has the main responsibility to support his wife and children.

Cultural View Angle

Culture in Indonesia really respects the role of parents in the lives of their children. Many traditions emphasize the importance of repaying the services of parents, one of which is by providing financial assistance when they need it. In some local culture, giving money to parents is considered a form of respect and a sign of devotion.

However, this dynamic also needs to be viewed proportionally. After getting married, children have a new obligation that must be prioritized, namely managing finances with their partners. Therefore, there needs to be good communication between children, partners, and parents so that conflicts do not occur in family relations.

Ethics and Balance

Ethically, asking for money from married children should be done taking into account the child's financial situation. A married child has a responsibility to his own family, so that the request from parents must be adjusted to the child's ability without adding to the heavy financial burden.

On the other hand, children also need to show a caring attitude towards their parents, especially if they are elderly or do not have a source of income. Helping parents financially can be a real form of service, as long as it is done consciously and without coercion.

In Islam, the law of providing assistance to parents is sunnah muakadah, which means it is highly recommended. However, if parents are in a state of need and children have financial capacity, then the law helps them become mandatory. This is in line with the principle of justice in Islam, where the urgent needs of parents must be prioritized.

However, it should be noted that assistance to parents should not cause children to ignore their obligations to their nuclear families. The Prophet SAW said:

"That's enough for someone to be considered guilty if he squanders the person he is responsible for." (HR. Abu Dawud).

Hadith shows that responsibility for partners and children remains a top priority.

Tips For Managing Relationships With Parents

The law of parents asking for money from married children has various dimensions, both from a religious, cultural, and ethical perspective. In Islam, helping parents is a noble obligation, but still has to be balanced with responsibility to the nuclear family. With good communication and wise financial management, you can meet the needs of parents without sacrificing the harmony of your own family.

In addition, you also need to know Adab's About Parents

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