Night Snacks For Recommended Pregnant Women
Night snacks for pregnant women. (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - During pregnancy, the nutritional needs of a mother will increase to support fetal growth. Healthy snacks can be an additional way to ensure adequate nutritional intake such as protein, calcium, iron, folate, and fiber. In addition, the presence of healthy snacks can help pregnant women maintain healthy weight. Check out the types of night snacks for pregnant women below.

Various healthy snacks that you can consume during pregnancy include:

Fruits such as pirings, oranges, apples, or mangoes are a choice of healthy snacks. These types of fruit contain good fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants for the health of the mother and fetus.

According to a scientific journal entitled Empowerment of Posyandu Mothers for the Utilization of Local Fruits in Efforts to Improve the Health Quality of Pregnant Women published in the Journal of Karya Abadi, explaining that the knowledge of pregnant women about the benefits of fruit is still very lacking. This lack of knowledge resulted in only 50 percent of pregnant women consuming fruit.

Anemia and high blood pressure are two diseases that are usually experienced during pregnancy. Consumption of fruit can reduce the risk of a person experiencing this health problem.

Raw vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, or peppers are low-calorie snacks, high in fiber, and full of nutrients. In addition to being rich in nutrients and helping prevent constipation, consuming vegetables can also help babies be more able to adapt to these foods, after being able to eat non-ASI foods later.

A scientific journal with the title Prenatal and Postnatal Flavor Learning by Human Infants, published in The American Academic of Pediatrics, explains the fact of giving carrots juice to pregnant women. Research subjects (pregnant women) were given 300 mL of carrots juice for 4 days a week for 3 consecutive weeks, during the last trimester of pregnancy. Furthermore, it was given again during the first 2 months of breastfeeding and some were not.

The results conclude that exposure to a taste during prenatal and early days after birth increases the baby's enjoyment of the taste in solid foods.

Cemilan ibu hamil berikutnya yaitu yogurt rendah fat, yang menjadi sumber kalsium dan protein yang baik. Bumil dapat menambahkan buah-buah potongan atau madu untuk memberikan rasa sweetan alam.

Beans such as almonds, walnuts, or nuts are snacks rich in healthy fatty acids, protein, and fiber. According to a study entitled Influence of Sari Kacang Ijo and Tablet Fe on Increasing Hb Kadar Pregnant Women with Anemia, published in the Scientific Journal of Sandi Husada Health, anemia in pregnancy due to iron shortages reached approximately 95 percent.

Consumption of green beans can improve hemoglobin levels during pregnancy. You do this by preventing iron deficiency. In addition, green beans also contain complex carbohydrates so that they can become a source of energy supply for the earth.

FFixed vegetables that are thin and roasted are healthy alternatives to potato chips that havendered flavors and nutrients.

Oatmeal is a snack that is high in fiber and can help in maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Bumil can add pieces of fruit or honey to give you a taste.

Boiled eggs are also a healthy snack for pregnant women. Eggs are a source of high quality protein and iron. This type of snack also contains kolin which is important for the development of the fetal brain.

That's a review of night snacks for pregnant women. Hopefully useful. Visit to get other interesting information.

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