What Is Purin? This Is The Danger For People With Orine Acid?
Illustration of purbin (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Purin is one of the compounds that is naturally found in the human body and in various foods. This compound has important benefits, but if the levels are excessive in the body, purbins can trigger various health problems. So what are purists and their dangers for people with gout?

Gout sufferers always need to avoid foods that contain high purbins. Excessive purbins are one of the causes of the appearance of gout disease suffered by a number of adults to the elderly. That's why it's so important to understand what purists are and their effects.

Purin is an organic compound consisting of carbon and nitrogen. Purin can be found naturally in the human body as they play a role in the formation of DNA and RNA which is important for the function and division of cells. In addition, purins also assist in energy metabolism through the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules.

Purin is divided into two types, namely endogenous purbins and exogenous purbins. Purin endogens are purins produced by the body, while exogenous purbins are purbins that enter the body through food and drink.

About two-thirds of the purbin in the human body is endogenous. This strain is naturally produced by the body and is found in the body's cells. Body cells continue to experience a dead cycle and automatically update. The endogenous begins originating from damaged, dying, or dead cells must be reprocessed by the body.

Purin comes from a food known as exogenous purbin, which is metabolized by the body during the digestive process. When endogenous and exogenous purbins are processed, both produce by-products in the form of gout. Usually about 90 percent of gout will be reabsorbed by the body, while the rest is issued through urine and feces.

If the number of purbins in the body exceeds the body's ability to process it, gout levels can increase and accumulate in the bloodstream. This condition is called hyperurisemia.

In some people, hypercurusemia can cause the formation of kidney stones or cause joint inflammation known as gout disease. Therefore, hyperurisemia sufferers are advised to avoid foods that contain purin in high levels.

Gout is one of the final products of purbin metabolism. In healthy individuals, gout is usually issued efficiently by the body. But in people with gout, the level of gout in the blood tends to increase.

These conditions can lead to the formation of gout crystals in joints, which trigger inflammation and severe pain. Increased gout levels can be caused by:

Therefore, it is very important for people with gout to limit the intake of foods that contain high purborine to prevent recurrence of symptoms.

It is important to know foods that contain high purborines so that they can manage consumption wisely. Here are some types of food with high purin content:

Demikianlah review tentang apa itu purkun dan bahayanya bagi penderita asam uric. Dengan memahami jenis-tipus puroni dan makanan yang kaya tentang compound ini, kita dapat mengatur pola makan untuk mencegah risiko kesehatan. Baca juga kadar arus normal orang dewasa.

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