Riau Drinks That Are Widely Wanted, Especially In The Month Of Ramadan
Riau Drinks. (Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA - Every region in Indonesia has many special drinks, with its own taste and uniqueness. Even the names, the ingredients, to how to make them are unique. In addition, typical drinks can also show the rich culture and traditions that develop in the area. Well, one of them is the Riau area. What do you think of Riau's typical drinks? Check out the review below.

Quoted from the Riau Typical Food book by Konie, Es Laksamana Mengamuk is a traditional Riau drink that is often a mandatory menu when breaking the fast in the month of Ramadan. It is said that the name of this drink comes from a folklore, it is said that an laksana went berserk by slashing a cake or a kuweni. Furthermore, the fruit was used as a drink for mothers at that time.

How to make it is quite simple, the ingredients consist of sweet fragrant mangoes, creamers, pandan leaves, powder powders, sugar, powder sugar, and sufficient salt. The ingredients were then mixed.

Quoted from the book Various Indonesian Drinks by Murdijati-Gardjito, nostalgic sugar cane is a typical Riau drink made from sugar cane mixed with ginger, peanuts, selasih, coconut juice, and guava.

This drink provides a unique sensation for those who consume it, because there is a combination of ginger with sugar cane. Named that, because it is said that people who drink it will reminisce with this taste of drinks.

Es Samudra is also a drink from Riau. The ingredients consist of durian fruit, wantan, freshwater bread, mixtures of seaweed, and cocopandan warranty. Uniqueness also comes from durian that is heated with coconut milk.

This drink has the basic ingredients of sweet fragrant mangoes, which are added to coconut juice. The name is also because Riau itself has the symbol of Lancang Kuning greatness.

The next typical Riau drink has an ice palm oil, which is made of three colors and then reduced to elongated (similar as noodles). Furthermore, the order is added with water, ice cubes or ice shocks, selasih seeds, secureness, and blewah fruit.

The reason is called the husband's tears ice because this drink is generally served at weddings or events that have elements of happiness. This drink is also called a symbol of happy tears.

In Riau, you find three-flavor juice very easy. This Jus is made from a combination of papaya, guava, and banana Ambon. After smoothing or blending, then add lemon juice and sweet thickness.

That said, this three-flavor juice was created by the owner of a Malay food hut in Riau. After being sold, it turns out that many people like it.

This typical Riau drink contains pieces of apples and batons in order, which are watered with water from a mixture of water along with small pieces of pineapple fruit that have been boiled.

Additional cypress oranges, sugar, ice cubes, and selasih can also add to the pleasure of this drink.

That's a review of typical Riau drinks that you can try. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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