Funny Kahoot Question Forms Of Double Choice
Illustration Of Funny Kahoot Questions (Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA The funny Kahoot question actually stole the show. The reason is, this question can invite laughter and comfort. Even Kahoot's question! can be an inspiration for funny guesses that invite laughter. No wonder many people are curious about the funny questions that exist in Kahoot.

Please note, Kahoot! is a learning-based game application. The platform will provide a number of interesting questions. Kuis Kahoot! this is what caught the attention of the public to make it a popular application in various countries including Indonesia.

On Kahoot! users can answer funny and educational quizzes. Here's a funny question on Kahoot! which is interesting.

1. When a rock is thrown forward, what will happen?

a) Stone destroyed

b) Lost Stone

c) Far stone

d) Nothing happened

Answer: c because the stone will stay away from the thrower

2. Why are tomatoes red?

a) Out of shame to see a salad

b) Because it is ripe

c) Due to the heat

d) Because of fate

Answer: b because cooked tomatoes are characterized by red colors

3. If there are 10 birds above the tree and one shot down, how much remains?

a) 9

b) 0

c) 10

d) 1

Answer: b because when you hear a bird's eruption it will fly away

4. What will the camera say when he wants to take a photo?

a) Don't say anything

b) Get ready, yes

c) 1,2,3!

d) Senyuuum!

Answer: a because the camera can't talk

5. I can regulate human will. Who am I?

a) Fate

b) Intention

c) Wishes

d) Aspiration

Answer: b because all actions depend on his intentions

6. Why do owls like to go out at night?

a) For fear of being exposed to the sun

b) Because they arevian vampires

c) Because they are nokturnal animals

d) Because they are looking for late-night TV shows

Answer: c because owls are nokturnal animals

7. What animals always lose when playing hide and seek?

a) Bunglon

b) Elephant

c) Ant

d) Giraffe

Answer: b because the size of the elephant makes him often caught playing

8. What objects are heavier, 10 kg cotton or 10 kg iron?

a) Kapas

b) Iron

c) No answer

Answer: c because both have the same weight

9. The 4th letter in the alphabet is?

a) A

b) D

c) B

d) C

Answer: b because that is D

10 If monkeys are chefs, what food do they make the most?

a) Banana split

b) fruit Salad

c) Smoothie mango

d) Brown cake

Answer: a because monkeys really like banana fruit

Those are some funny Kahoot questions. Visit to get more interesting information.







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