Reasons For The Morning Coffee Effects Revealed That Make The Stomach Mulas
Illustration of the coffee effect that makes the stomach start (Freepic)

JAKARTA - Coffee is known as a drink that is able to provide energy, especially to overcome sleepiness. However, drinking coffee can also have other effects for some people.

This effect is a desire to defecate (BAB), in just a few minutes after drinking coffee. Launching from Healthline, on Friday, January 3, 2025, studies revealed that 29 percent of participants had to go to the toilet and defecate 20 minutes after drinking coffee.

So, why did this effect occur? As is known, coffee contains caffeine. This cafe is a stimulant or driving factor that can trigger contraction in the colon and intestinal muscles.

Caffeine also triggers an increase in a number of hormones, such as gastrine or cholecystokinin (CCK). Both hormones play a role in the gastrocolic reflex, which stimulates contraction in your intestines and moves dirt towards rectum to be removed. Therefore, defecation can occur very smoothly.

The effect of wanting to defecate after drinking coffee is quite diverse for everyone, but the average tends to be fast. Even a study also shows that drinking coffee can increase major muscle contraction in just 4 minutes.

Coffee drinking time is also very influential to be able to cause the effect of wanting to defecate. It is known, drinking the most influential coffee to the intestines in the morning.

This can happen because during sleep the digestive system works slower than when you wake up. Thus, when drinking coffee in the morning, it can stimulate germination, which causes a stronger push for defecation.

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