J-Hope BTS Donates IDR 1.2 Billion For Families Of Victims Of Airplane Accidents
J-Hope (Instagram @uarmyhope)

JAKARTA - One of the BTS boyband members, J-Hope, has donated 100 million won or around Rp. 1.2 billion to the families of the Jeju Air accident victims. This was confirmed by the Hope Bridge National Disaster Relief Association on Thursday, January 2 yesterday. in a statement, J-Hope said that after hearing the news of the accident he took the initiative to donate his money. He also hopes that the money can help the bereaved family a little. "After hearing the news of the accident, I suggest to donate in the hope of providing some assistance to the bereaved families," said J-Hope as quoted by VOI from Naver, Friday, January 3. Not arriving there, J-Hope also conveyed his condolences for the incident to the families of Jeju Air victims. "I convey my deepest condolences to the bereaved family and everyone who mourns this accident," he added.

J-Hope's kindness received a positive response from the Secretary of Hope Bridge, Shin Hoon. He thanked and confirmed that the donation would reach the families of the victims. "We are grateful for the kindness of J-Hope for the bereaved family. We will do our best to ensure that J-Hope's warm donation is fully delivered to the bereaved family," he said.

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