Be Alert, 6 Combinations Of Food And Drinks That Can't Be Tried With Durian
Durian (Freepik/poringdown)

JAKARTA - Currently, Indonesia is entering the durian season in various regions. For durian lovers, this is the time to look forward to.

Durian, known as the 'King of Fruit', is one of the most loved fruit in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. This fruit is known for its rich taste and distinctive odor.

However, even though durian is very delicious, there are several combinations of food and drinks that should be avoided if you want to enjoy durian without health problems.

Doctor from Malaysia, Dr. Ahmad Samhan shared the story of a patient who came to his clinic in a very bad condition, until he could barely walk, pale, and sweat heavily after eating durian.

Dr Samhan asked the patient about his condition and whether he had eaten something before. After that, he advised the patient to sit down and breathe slowly to calm down.

The patient, who looked very depressed, replied, "I feel like I want to vomit, my head is dizzy. I eat durian after lunch, then drink coffee because I feel sleepy. But after that, I started to feel strange, doctor".

Then, Dr Samhan found several foods and drinks that had a negative impact if consumed with durian. Here are 6 foods and drinks that should not be consumed along with durian, as reported by VOI from the World of Buzz page on Thursday, January 2, 2025.

Dr Samhan explained that the patient had 'light poisoning' or in medical terms, mild poisoning caused by a combination of durian and coffee that caused the condition.

"Darians are rich in sulfur and carbohydrates, while coffee contains caffeine that can cause dehydration. When the two are combined, bad reactions can occur in the body," he said.

Dr Samhan suggested waiting 4 to 6 hours after eating durian before eating coffee. He also emphasized the importance of keeping the body hydrated, especially after eating durian.

The combination of durian and alcohol can have a very dangerous effect on the body. Dr Samhan says durian can increase levels of alcohol in the blood, which causes faster and stronger drunkenness.

This occurs because durian contains compounds that slow alcohol metabolism. Consuming alcohol after eating durian can cause dizziness, nausea, and even alcohol poisoning.

Sodated drinks contain carbonated gases that can cause a bloating stomach or discomfort after eating durian.

Dr Samhan said durian was severe enough to digest, and coupled with soft drinks, the digestive process could be disrupted. This can cause the stomach to feel full, nausea, or even stomach pain.

Hot and oily foods, such as fast food or fried foods, can worsen digestion after eating durian. Durian is already heavy enough for the digestive system. If combined with spicy or oily foods, this can cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea or bloating.

Although durian is rich in fat, consuming durian with milk or processed dairy products such as cheese or yogurt can cause digestive disorders.

This happens because durian and milk have a high fat content, which can make the stomach feel heavy and bloating. For some people, this combination can also cause nausea or diarrhea.

High protein foods such as red meat or eggs should also be avoided after eating durian. Durian contains a lot of carbohydrates and fat, while high protein foods take longer to digest.

If both are consumed together, the digestive process can be disrupted. This causes discomfort in the stomach and slows down the body's metabolism.

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