4 Benefits Of Ginger For Rambut Health And Guidelines For Its Use
Illustration (Yan Krukov/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Ginger, scientifically known as Zingiber officinale, contains large amounts of essential vitamins such as C, B6, and E, along with minerals such as zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. In addition, ginger contains major active ingredients, 6-gingerol, which overall provide medicinal properties in this unique spice. If all these ingredients are combined, it can help improve overall hair health.

Here are some of the benefits that ginger can provide for hair, according to Pink Villa, Friday, December 27.

The 6-gingerol compounds and other polyphenols in ginger have antibacterial and anti-ulturic properties, so they are able to make the facial skin healthy. These properties have been proven to be able to fight various kinds of microorganisms. Therefore, these properties can also be useful in preventing tombe and related symptoms such as itching and peeling facial skin, which hinders the hair growth process.

Ginger can strengthen hair from its roots, making it less easily broken and making hair thicker and healthier. A study conducted on the antioxidant properties of ginger proves that ginger significantly neutralizes oxidative stress-triggering molecules. In addition, 6-ingerol has been shown to actively clean excess NO molecules (nitric oxide) which can cause low blood pressure. Thus, ginger can help increase blood flow in the scalp and fight oxidative stress, resulting in stronger hair due to environmental and internal damage.

The effect of anti-inflammatory from ginger can help calm and cool an inflamed or inflamed scalp. In addition, with increased blood circulation, the skin will receive better nutritional supplies from essential nutrients such as zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium which will improve overall hair follicle health and can also encourage growth. In addition, with increased blood circulation, there will be better air circulation, which can then help prevent infection and oil as well as stimulate healthy follicles.

Regular use of ginger in hair care routines as a conditioner for homemade hair can produce softer, smoother, and shiny hair. Thanks to its composition that is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, ginger can help repair damaged hair citcules and help restore moisture loss.

Here are some ways to use ginger for hair:

1. Ginger Hair Mask


2. Ginger And Honey Hair Masks For Ketambe

In addition to ginger, honey also has antiseptic properties, which can fight fungal infections and bacteria that cause ketombe. In addition, honey also helps add and restore moisture to the scalp, which helps prevent exfoliation and drought.


3. Ginger And Aloe Vera Hair Masks For Hair Growth

Aloe vera has moisturizing, menutrition, and antimicrobial properties, which not only strengthen hair kutila. But it also prevents infection, drought, or buildup on the scalp, which indirectly helps hair growth.


4. Infusion of Ginger Oil


5. Tubular Air Suheh


It is recommended that you do not use ginger to treatbotity caused by alopecia or other clinical hair loss problems as the only form of treatment. On the other hand, after consulting a doctor, use ginger along with prescribed medicines.

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