2 Digits How Much Rupiah? Find Out The Answer Is Here
Illustration. How many double digits? (EmAji/Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA - 2 Digit how much rupiah? to find out the answer, see the explanation below.

The term double digits is often heard in daily conversations, especially when it comes to income or salary. However, some people may still be confused when they hear the term because they don't know its meaning.

The double digit term is often used to talk about the nominal value of money, especially among professional workers.

So, what does it mean with digits? What are the 2 digits of rupiah if written in the nominal form of money? Check out the full information below, as compiled by VOI from various sources, Tuesday, December 24, 2024.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the digit is defined as the location of the number or the Arabic number of 0-9 or every number in the series of numbers that do not refer to the decimal system, for example the phone number.

From this understanding, it can be concluded that the digit is a symbol or representation of the number. Digit is used in numbers to describe integers or thrills. If traced by the sejahrah, the digit term comes from the ancient (digital) Latin which means 10 human fingers, ii related to the basis 10 number system.

Meanwhile, according to the US Dictionary Merriam-Webster, the digit term comes from the middle English period and is taken from the digitus Latin which means the fingers of the hand/leg or what is used to denote. The digit term was first used in the 14th century.

Furthermore, in a book entitled Math Magic by Bekti Hermawan Handojo, it is stated that the digit can be interpreted as an illustration that makes a total of 9 total), similar to the letter in a word.

For example, the 5 number is 1 digit, the 25 number is 2 digits, and so on.

To make it easier to understand, see the following digit grouping:

Please note, digit terms and acacaly numbers are used alternately even though they have a slightly different meaning.

Figures are a broader concept that refers to numerical values. While digits are symbols used to represent these values.

In the context of income or salary, there is little difference in defining digits. This term refers to the numbers in front of the points followed by six zeros.

Thus, double-digit income is a salary of tens of millions between Rp. 10,000,000 to Rp. 99,999,999.

For example, a salary of Rp. 11,000,000 is included in the 2 digit category because the figure in front of the point is 11, which is included in the range of 10 to 99.

If a person receives a salary of up to IDR 111,000,000, then this is referred to as a triple digit, because the number in front of six zeros is 111, which is included in the 100-999 digit three-digit group.

Generally, digit terms are used to disclose the amount of income a person receives without specifying the nominal value.

That's the answer to the question of 2 digits of how much rupiah. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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