How Long The Contact Lens Can Be Used, Here's The Advice For Eye Health
How long the contact lens can be used (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - The use of contact lenses is carried out by many people. Some use it for visual devices and not a few also use it to beautify their appearance. Even though it has these benefits, you need to know how long the contact lens can be used.

Whatever your needs, use a contact lens, you should understand the time limit. Wearing a contact lens for too long or too long can have certain effects on the condition of the eye. In addition, the duration of the use of the contact lens also depends on the type of lens you choose.

The time for using a contact lens also needs to be adjusted to the condition of your eyes, are the eyes sensitive or dry eyes. Therefore, let's understand the limit on how long contact lenses can be used and the effect is excessive?

Do you often use contact lenses (softlens)? If so, try to rethink how long you usually wear them in a day. Many people are reluctant to take off their contact lenses even though they feel uncomfortable, or even forget to let them fall asleep overnight.

In fact, the recommended duration of using contact lenses is only about 10-12 hours per day. If you wear it for more than 12 hours without releasing, the risk of eye problems such as discomfort, dry eyes, redness, and infection becomes higher.

If you feel uncomfortable using a contact lens, you should immediately release it to avoid further damage. The use of a contact lens that exceeds the time limit can have a negative impact on the health of the concerns.

Contact lensing is not designed for long-term use, especially if it is not released during sleep. Kornea needs oxygen, while contact lenses can block the flow of oxygen into the eyes.

It is very important to limit the duration of the use of contact lenses in order to maintain the condition and comfort of your eyes. Using contact lenses in excessive time can likely have the following effect.

A simple way to find out if the contact lens has been used for too long is to pay attention to the relief when releasing it. If you feel this, it means that the duration of usage has exceeded the limit. Ideally, contact lenses can only be used for 10 to 12 hours per day.

Daily contact lensing is a practical choice for those who don't want to depend on lens cleaning fluid. With this type, you can wear a new contact lens every day without the need to bring the cleaning solution anywhere.

The usage duration rule also applies to weekly, monthly, and colored contact lenses. It is highly recommended to remove the contact lens before bed at night to provide rest time for the eyes.

For people with chronic dry eyes, the duration of use may be shorter, which is less than 14 hours a day. If the contact lens starts to feel uncomfortable, immediately release it to avoid irritation or other complications.

Beginners who are using contact lenses for the first time should start with a short duration. For example, use it for four hours on the first day, then add an hour every day until the eyes are used to using lenses for a longer period of time.

Demikianlah review mengenai berapa lama lens kontak bisa digunakan yang perlu ditangami oleh pengguna lensen ini. Durasi penggunaan lens kontak bisa berbeda-beda tiap orang, tergantung dari jenis lens dan kondisi anaknya. Namun disuskan untuk menggunakannya dalam waktu 10-12 sehari. Baca juga softlens untuk mata minus dan cylindr.

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