YOGYAKARTA - Bile disease is more susceptible to women. High hormone estrogen in women can increase bile cholesterol to be more concentrated and form bile. So what are the symptoms of bile in women?
Bile is a disease that is quite painful for sufferers. People with bile will experience chronic diarrhea which makes them defecate with dilute texture and with sufficient intensity. This condition is of course quite disturbing for the convenience of the sufferer.
As a form of awareness of personal health, there are several symptoms of bile in women that you need to recognize. Also understand what causes and risk factors for bile so that you can adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid it.
Bile or cholelithiasis is a medical condition that occurs due to the formation of stones from depositing leftover substances in the bag or bile duct. Although it can be experienced by anyone, women are more prone to this condition than men due to hormonal influences.
In discussing bile, the term 4F is known as the main risk factor, namely Female (female), Forty (aged over 40 years), Fertile (fertile), and Fat (excess weight).
Women have higher estrogen hormone levels, especially during pregnancy. These hormones have the potential to increase cholesterol levels in bile fluids while reducing the contraction of bile bags. As a result, bile fluid becomes thicker which can then form bile.
The risk of bile in women increases during pregnancy and after childbirth. This is due to hormonal and physical changes that occur during these times. In addition, the use of hormone replacement therapy or consumption of birth control pills can also trigger the formation of bile.
When bile is formed in the body, people who suffer from it will experience several symptoms. The following are the symptoms of bile in women who need to be recognized in order to take early treatment steps:
The formation of bile can occur due to imbalance in bile levels. This condition causes the formation of residual deposits in the bag or bile duct. Here are some factors that can cause bile:
Bile disease is more at risk experienced by people with the following conditions:
To prevent the formation of bile, you need to keep your weight ideal. Another step you need to apply is to reduce consumption of high-fat fat foods, limit alcoholic drinks, increase the intake of vegetables and fruit rich in fiber, exercise regularly, and avoid too strict diets.
In addition, it is recommended to conduct regular consultations and examinations with specialist surgeons to be determined to help detect them early. This examination also helps prevent bile disease before complications appear, such as sepsis, which is an infection that spreads through the bloodstream.
That's a review of the symptoms of bile in women that need to be known. To avoid this disease, you must adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy and balanced foods. Also read the urine color of bile sufferers.
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