6 Foods That Should Not Be Consumed Simultaneously By Drinking Coffee
Illustration of foods that should not be eaten along with coffee (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA For those of you who like to drink coffee, it is important to keep in mind what is permissible and not consumed at the same time as drinking coffee or after. According to research, coffee can help prevent diseases related to oxidative stress such as type 2 diabetes and several types of cancer. However, coffee also affects the absorption of several types of nutrients. So among the benefits, consider the consequences if you eat food at the same time as drinking coffee in the following explanation.

Eating a lot of fried foods, or fried foods, is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. People who drink coffee regularly, need to limit the consumption of fried foods to maintain heart health. The reason is, drinking more and more coffee causes an increased risk of dyslipidemia or abnormal fat levels in the bloodstream. While fried foods also contain cholesterol, both bad cholesterol and good. Launching Health, Wednesday, December 18, drinking three cups of coffee or more a day can increase bad cholesterol and have a negative impact on the heart. So after or at the same time drinking coffee, limit the consumption of fried food at least less than four times a week.

During breakfast or breakfast in the afternoon, avoid eating mild at the same time as drinking coffee. Give a break for at least a few hours. Cereals enriched in essential vitamins and minerals, their absorption can be reduced if consumed at the same time as coffee.

Research shows that coffee can interfere with the biological availability of zinc. Although there has been no research on how the specific mechanism is, it is recommended to give it a break after drinking coffee and then eating Goods.

Of course it will be lively if while drinking coffee snacking on potato chips or cassava with the addition of salted ferries. However, because coffee contains biological active compounds that directly affect blood pressure. While eating salted foods also correlates with blood pressure. So it will be very beneficial if you eat salted ferrite chips in a mindful and limited manner when drinking coffee.

Drinking coffee while eating oranges can cause digestive discomfort because coffee is naturally acidic. The average coffee has pH levels between 4.85 and 5.13 on a scale of 14. The lower the number, the more coffee acid. So drinking coffee along with oranges, causes GERD (gastroesofageal reflux) which causes stomach nausea, bloating, and gerating. Consuming coffee and oranges simultaneously can also irritate the stomach layer and worsen symptoms of GERD.

In addition to triggering problems in the stomach, drinking coffee at the same time as oranges can change the taste of coffee. It will taste more bitter, which means you can't enjoy both solemnly.

Milk is a very good source of calcium. Calcium is important for bone health, muscle function, blood clots, and hormone production. In one cup of low-fat milk, it meets 23 percent of the daily value of calcium recommended for healthy adults.

Research shows, combining milk and coffee can inhibit calcium absorption. In other words, caffeine in coffee can reduce the net absorption of calcium from food. Unabsorbed potassium will be removed through urine. Well, calcium excretion levels in high urine, associated with increased risk of kidney stone and bone health problems. So, if you like milk coffee, it is necessary to get calcium intake from other food sources consumed at different times.

As in the non-optimal absorption of calcium, drinking coffee can also affect the absorption of iron in the intestines. We know that red meat is one of the best sources of iron. If you drink coffee along with steak, it will reduce the health benefits.

Research into the effect of coffee on serum ferritein levels and finding that drinking coffee for three cups or more daily can significantly reduce iron levels. In fact, iron absorption after eating decreased by about 39% after drinking coffee. For this reason, the result of eating red meat steak at the same time drinking coffee can interfere with the role of iron in the body.

After knowing the explanation of foods that should not be consumed at the same time as drinking coffee, you can practice it. Isn't it better to get as much benefit as possible than to result in sustainable problems? That is, it is important to consider anything that is good or needs to be avoided by consuming coffee.

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