5 Causes Of Itchy Eye Pinggir, Complete By Overcoming It
Itching eye edges (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Itching on the side of the eye is a fairly common problem and is often experienced by many people. Although it looks trivial, this itching can be very disturbing and uncomfortable when doing daily activities. So what causes the side of the eyes itching and how to deal with it?

Itching conditions on the edge of the eye can be experienced by anyone, be it children or adults. This problem needs to be considered and addressed immediately when accompanied by symptoms such as redness, swelling, or fluid release from the eyes.

The cause of itching on the edge of the eye can be due to various factors. Let's recognize what causes itching eye edges and how to handle them so that their condition gets better soon.

Itching in the eye's edge area can be caused by various things, ranging from allergies, infections, exposure to dust, and others. Here are some of the causes of itching eye edges that you need to know:

Allergies are one of the most common causes of itching in the eye. Allergen exposure such as dust, flower powder, animal hair, or certain cosmetic products can trigger allergic reactions to the eye. Usually, these allergies are accompanied by other symptoms such as runny eyes, nasal congestion, and sneezing.

Blefaritis is inflammation of the eyelids that often causes itching on the outskirts. This condition occurs because the small oil gland near the bottom of the eyelash is clogged, triggering irritation and redness.

Eye infections such as conjunctivitis (red eyes) or infections caused by bacteria and viruses can also cause itching around the eyes. Other symptoms that often accompany are swelling, discharge of fluids, and heat.

Skin diseases such as dermatitis or eczema can also cause itching around the eyes. The skin around the eyes tends to be sensitive, making it easy to get irritation due to facial care products or environmental factors.

A dirty, dusty, or full of air pollution environment can also trigger itching on the outskirts of the eyes. Small particles that enter the eyes can cause mild to serious irritation.

Although usually not a serious health problem, itching conditions on the side of the eyes need to be addressed in order to be able to carry out activities without these disorders. For those of you who are experiencing this condition, here are some ways to deal with itching eye edges that you can do:

When the eye feels itchy, avoid the habit of wiping it. Brushing the eye will only worsen the condition and risk causing additional infections.

Use a clean cloth that has been soaked in cold water to compress the eyes. The cold compress can help reduce itching, redness, and swelling.

Prescription-free eye drops that contain moisturizing ingredients can help relieve itching due to dry eyes. For more serious cases such as allergies, doctors may prescribing special eye drops.

If the cause of itching is blefaritis, cleaning the eyelids with warm water and special soft soap can help. Use a cotton or clean cloth to clean the area.

If itching on the edge of the eye does not go away or is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, immediately consult an ophthalmologist. Proper treatment can prevent further complications.

That's a review of the causes of itching eye edges and how to deal with them. If you experience itching on the constant edge of the eye, don't hesitate to consult an eye doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment. Also read how to remove eye bags in 3 days.

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