Music And Gamelan Tool Grants For The Preservation Of Traditional Arts In Sleman
Deputy Regent of Sleman Danang Maharsa handed over a grant of gamelan devices and musical instruments to the art group at Balai RW 23, Padukuhan Panggasari, Sariharjo, Ngaglik. (ANTARA/HO-Prokopim Section of the Sleman Regional Secretariat (HO)

JAKARTA - Efforts to preserve culture and art continue to be carried out by the Sleman Regency Government through the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Recently, they handed over grants of gamelan devices and musical instruments to 70 art groups throughout Sleman Regency.

"The submission of gamelan grants and musical instruments is an effort to support the development and existence of traditional art in Sleman," said Sleman Deputy Regent Danang Maharsa in Sleman, as quoted by Antara.

The submission of gamelan grants and musical instruments has been carried out symbolically at Balai RW 23, Padukuhan Panggungsari, Sariharjo, Ngaglik on Saturday night (30/11).

Danang said that the provision of gamelan grants and musical instruments is a form of concern and support from the Sleman Regency Government to communities or cultural groups.

"It is hoped that the grant given can be a motivation to further advance and develop cultural arts in Sleman," he said.

The Deputy Regent of Sleman also encouraged the citizens of Sleman, especially the younger generation, to prioritize traditional arts rather than art from outside countries. In this way, it is hoped that the arts we have can continue to be sustainable, and can become the identity of our nation in the eyes of the global community.

"Make this gamelan and musical instrument a means for the younger generation to continue to work and inspire promoting our cultural arts at the local to international level," he said.

Head of the Culture Service (Kundha Kabudayan) of Sleman Regency, Edy Winarya, said that 70 groups of arts that receive grants consist of various types of arts.

The recipient groups consisted of 14 jathilan groups, 11 hadroh groups, eight kubro groups, three campursari groups, 10 bregodo groups, two Badui groups and 22 karawitan groups.

"This gamelan grant and musical instrument is funded by the DIY Privilege Fund," he said.

He hopes that the grant can be used as well as possible, in order to develop traditional arts and culture in their respective environments.

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