Why Don't Cats Enter Heaven? These Are Animals That Get Exceptions
Cat illustration (Unsplash-Erik-Jan Leusink)

YOGYAKARTA Cats have a special position in Islam. In fact, there is a Friend of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who is nicknamed the father of the Little Cats. Apart from the story, it turns out that your favorite cat will not enter heaven. Then why don't cats go to heaven?

The only reason why cats will not go to heaven is because they are animals. Although in Islamic teachings it is said that all living things including animals will be collected to Padang Mahsyar.

Quoted from NU Online, December 1, Ustadz Nur Rohmad in a Study of the Tauhid Farit that was uploaded on the NU Online YouTube channel said that Allah SWT would show its justice to all animals and humans.

They were gathered on top of Mahsyar to show Allah's justice wwt. How fair Allah SWT is, "explained Ustadz Nur.

Later Allah SWT will show his justice by growing the horn on the world's animals that initially had no horns. These animals are then allowed to contain animals that while in the world harm them with their horns.

After Allah SWT's justice was shown, the animal then became land. This means that no one will be put into heaven or hell.

Although cats and other animals will not go to heaven, there are special exceptions for certain animals that get special rights. In Hasyiyah Qishah al-Mi'raj, Sheikh Ahmad ad-Dardiri, quoted from NU Online, explained that there are 10 animals that will be put into Heaven. Here are some animals that enter heaven according to Islamic teachings described in the book of surrender and attraction.

Buraq is a paradise animal that is not like the one in the world. Buraq helped the Prophet Muhammad travel from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsha Mosque to Sidratul Vomika just overnight.

The Prophet Shaleh received a miracle in the form of removing a pregnant camel from a rock that produces milk so that it can be drunk by the residents of his camp. Even though in the end he was killed, this camel was allowed to enter heaven.

Prophet Ibrahim A. S is narrated to have a calf that has to be slaughtered to entertain his guests. Unexpectedly, the guest who visited his house was an incarnation of an angel sent by Allah SWT. The calf was then replied to heaven.

Prophet Ibrahim A.S. was once tested to slaughter his son, Ismail. Long story short when he was about to slaughter, Ismail suddenly turned into a goat.

The Hudhud bird is a trigger that provides information about Queen Bilqis to the Prophet Sulaiman. For this information, Hudhud was rewarded with the heaven of Allah SWT.

In addition, there are still the Sulaiman Prophet's ants, the dog belonging to Ashabul Kahfi, the whale that swallowed the Prophet Yunus, the Bani Israil female cow, and the Prophet Uzair.

That's information regarding why cats don't go to heaven. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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