Privacy Disturbed, Agency Reminds Fans Not To Disturb HIGHLIGHT Members
HIGHLIGHT (Instagram @highlight_auent)

JAKARTA - Around US Entertainment released a statement to fans not to interfere with the activities of HIGHLIGHT members outside of public activities.

"As many activities disrupting the privacy of HIGHLIGHT members continue to increase, we want to make a statement regarding this," said Around US Entertainment.

"There have been many actions that violate and threaten the privacy of artists, such as waiting for members in places related to personal life, waiting for members at the place of running, taking pictures of members without permission, and trying to contact artists waiting near where they live," he said.

The agency reminded that activities unrelated to promotional activities violate the privacy and security of HIGHLIGHT members.

"Any activity such as visiting a schedule related to artist privacy or contacting HIGHLIGHT members for photos and videos is illegal and causes material and mental losses beyond the open schedule," the agency continued.

"We hope you don't damage your reputation for self-sufficiency. If this continues, we will take legal action," he said.

The agency also thanked HIGHLIGHT fans who continue to support members, but they hope fans can limit their activities to following members.

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