Accused Of Cheating Until Being Sued For Divorce, Paula Verhoeven Still Thanks Baim Wong
Paula Verhoeven (Instagram @paula_verhoeven)

JAKARTA - Despite being accused of having an affair and being sued for divorce, Paula Verhoeven still thanked Baim Wong. This was conveyed by Paula through a podcast with Deddy Corbuzier where she said that if it weren't for the hijrah, maybe she wouldn't be as strong as she is at this time.

And Paula's move cannot be separated from Baim Wong's role, who at that time supported him to change.

"Maybe yes (the hijrah made it strong). Because I'm at the point of this process, it's definitely not easy, but when I prayed when I was tahajud it suddenly came like this, mas thank you, God, for presenting Baim in my life why? Because maybe because Baim I became a five-time prayer," said Paula Verhoeven, quoted by VOI from YouTube Deddy Corbuzier, Monday, November 25.

For Paula, it was not only about the hijrah that she was grateful to be met with Baim but also the presence of their two children.

"I realized at that time. So suddenly I got guidance like that 'Thank you for presenting Baim in my life, because Baim I prayed five times, because Baim I became a prayer at the mall, because Baim I have two funny children mashaallah," said Paula Verhoeven.

"Because Baim I used the hijab, because Baim I went to the study. So I'm grateful," he continued.

Now even though netizens' blasphemy did not stop pointing at him, Paula chose to remain silent because she felt it was a challenge for her.

"Because I think being silent is sometimes we talk about it, it's easy, so actually the challenge with us being silent is that we learn to be silent," he said.

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