Beneficial Virus: Here's An Explanation Of Some Types According To Experts
A favorable virus (A picture of kjpargeter-Freepik)

The virus is generally known as an aggressive and infectious pathogen, often causes disease ranging from mild to more serious conditions such as severe acute respiratory syndrome. The virus works by attacking the host's cell, utilizing cellular engines to reproduce, and then releasing new viral particles that infect other cells, causing disease.

However, not all viruses are harmful. Some viruses can act as beneficial agents, similar to the role of probiotic bacteria, which are bacteria that support the health of the body. These beneficial viruses play an important role in fighting harmful bacteria, some can even be used in medical therapy for cancer-like diseases.

One type of virus that is profitable is bacteria. This virus does not target human cells, but is looking for bacteria in our bodies. Bactophags work by entering bacterial cells, using them to reproduce, and then destroying these bacterial cells. Bactophag was discovered by two scientists, Frederick W. Twort and FĂ©lix d'Herelle, in the early 20th century.

This virus is widely found in various places, including in the human body, soil, and water. In addition to helping fight bacterial infections, bacteraphag is also a promising alternative to fight the increasing resistance of antibiotics.

Other viruses that have benefits are viruses that make plants resistant to extreme temperatures. Although these viruses have not been named, research has shown that they can give plants the ability to survive in extreme heat conditions.

In experiments with tomato plants, this virus allows plants to grow at a soil temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. However, this capability disappears if the virus is removed from the plant, indicating the potential of this virus in improving plant resistance to climate change.

The oncolic virus is also an example of a beneficial virus. This virus can be used in cancer treatment because of its ability to infect and kill cancer cells without damaging the surrounding healthy cells. Several types of viruses such as adenovirus, reovirus, and simplex fear are being studied as agents for cancer therapy.

In addition to destroying cancer cells, research also shows that oncolic viruses can stimulate the immune system to recognize and fight cancer, making it a promising form of immunotherapy.

Adenovirus, which is a common virus that often causes mild infections such as colds and pneumonia, also shows the potential for cancer therapy. One type of adenovirus, which is type 52, is known to bind certain carbohydrates found in cancer cells, opening up the possibility of using this virus for virus-based cancer therapy.

Researchers are trying to modify adenovirus to be more effective in attacking cancer cells, even by utilizing immunity to fight cancer.

Finally, the norovirus, which is famous for causing the diarrhea outbreak, also has certain benefits. Research shows that some types of norovirus can help balance the immune system in mice growing in a sterile environment. The administration of this virus helps increase the production of T cells and improve the impaired immune response.

This discovery shows how viruses that are usually considered dangerous can be used to improve the health of the body under certain conditions, although their use in humans is still controversial.

With these various examples of beneficial viruses, it is clear that viruses are not always a threat. Some viruses even have an important role in human health and ecosystems, showing their potential as a means of treatment and protection that can be used to fight disease and improve the quality of life.

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