Environmentally Friendly Flights, New Trends In The Air Transportation Industry
Illustration of environmentally friendly flights (doc. vietjet)

In recent years, attention to the environmental impact of the aviation industry has increased.

With a significant contribution from this sector to global carbon emissions, many airlines have begun to shift to a more environmentally friendly approach as part of their responsibility for climate change.

Many airlines also integrate environmentally friendly practices into their services, such as reducing single-use plastic in serving food on planes, managing waste more responsibly, and using advanced technology that allows the environmentally friendly concept to be realized.

Several airlines even offer options for passengers to contribute to tree planting programs or other environmental initiatives when buying tickets. One of them is like what Vietjet did.

Recently, the Vietnamese airline held the "Green Friday" movement by preparing nearly one million Eco tickets at prices starting from Rp. 0 to encourage awareness of environmentally friendly travel.

Through this flight, they use the fleet of the latest generation aircraft that are more fuel efficient, produce lower CO2 emissions, and reduce noise pollution.

In addition to more efficient aircraft technology, the airline also adopts a digital approach to reduce the use of paper through services such as electronic tickets and online check-ins.

This move is part of the airline's long-term commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The tickets provided can be accessed by tourists to various destinations in Asia and Australia.

In addition, Vietjet also highlighted the importance of choosing flights that support environmental conservation, a small step that can have a major impact on the future of the earth, including adopting more environmentally friendly travel habits.

Starting from choosing an airline with a commitment to sustainability that can be a real contribution in facing the challenges of climate change.

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