Kimberly Border's Reason Was Difficult To Get Rid Of Toxic's Wedding With Edward Akbar
Kimberly RDer (Instagram @kimbrlyryder)

JAKARTA - Kimberly RDer said her marriage to Edward Akbar was included in a toxic relationship. Therefore, it is not easy for the mothers of these two children to escape from this relationship after all the things they already have and go through together.

"It's hard (to get out of a toxic relationship), especially since I already have two children, have a house and all kinds of things together," said KimberlyRIDer in the Tangerang area, Banten, Saturday, November 16.

Moreover, Kimberly saw that Edward Akbar's toxic behavior did not always appear which made it increasingly difficult for him to leave.

"That's how public figures are. Then people like that have a tug of war, you know. It's not evil. Then we have run away from when we know. It's just that there is love, eh, it's not like that, it keeps going. That's what makes it difficult," he continued.

Now, this Bangsal Isolation film player can only pray and pray that God can give instructions regarding his household relationship.

"Advice from me is don't forget to pray and pray, that's what you just ride. Just ask God for instructions," he said.

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