Always Feel Hungry Until Acne Appears, Recognize The Signs Of Excess Sugar
Illustration of the appearance of diabetes signs acne (Freepic)

JAKARTA - Diabetes is one of the diseases that is a global problem with the large number of sufferers. This chronic disease related to blood sugar levels must be watched out for because it can increase the risk of complications of disease.

One of the things that triggers diabetes is unhealthy eating patterns, including uncontrolled sugar consumption. The Indonesian Ministry of Health recommends limiting daily sugar intake, which in adults a maximum of 50 grams or 4 tablespoons per day.

If you consume too much sugar, then what should function as an energy increase is the cause of health problems. There are several characteristics of a person who indicates that his body is excess sugar that must be monitored, reported by the Express UK.

If consuming too much sugar, it will increase weight rapidly. Specialists in dermatology, flebology, proctology, and nutrition treatment, dr. Lela Ahlemann says that excessive sugar consumption makes the body feel hungry continuously, which will result in unhealthy weight gain.

This is because sugar increases blood glucose levels in the short term, but does not saturate due to lack of fiber. If you are always hungry, it will eat more than you need which eventually causes weight gain," said Ahlemann, quoted Thursday, November 14, 2024.

People who are over sugar will have an uncertain mood or mood swing. This happens because glucose increases rapidly to cause insulin release.

This is called hypoglycemia, which then causes excessive appetite. In some people, it also causes mood swings and gets angry easily," he said.

Doctor Ahlemann said that excessive sugar consumption can cause hormone levels called insulin 1 or IGF-1-like growth factors to increase, which can cause acne to appear on the face.

"Together with insulin, IGF-1 stimulates sebasea glands and causes over-occurrence in the sebasea gland area, so that the glands are clogged which leads to acne and inflammation," added Doctor Ahlemann.

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