Milk Coffee Is Not Recommended To Be Snubbed In The Morning, Why?
Illustration of morning milk coffee (Freepic)

JAKARTA - Drinking milk coffee is a fun routine, however, this habit can actually have a negative impact on the health of the body. There are side effects that may arise when drinking milk coffee in the morning when the stomach is empty.

Here are 6 side effects if you regularly start the day by drinking milk coffee on an empty stomach, as reported by VOI from The Health Site page on Thursday, November 7, 2024.

One of the direct impacts of consuming coffee milk in the morning is digestive disorders. Coffee that contains milk and sugar can increase levels of acidity in the stomach, which leads to problems such as bloating, digestive disorders, and discomfort throughout the day. For those of you who have a sensitive stomach or intolerance to lactose in milk, this effect can be more pronounced and disruptive.

The addition of sugar in milk coffee can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar. Although initially may feel more energetic, this spike in blood sugar can cause stamina to decrease, feel lethargic, irritable, or even anxious. If this habit continues, this condition could have a negative impact on long-term health, such as increasing the risk of diabetes.

Sweet milk coffee is also rich in calories. If you eat it every day, the number of calories that enter the body can be very high, especially because of the mixture of fat from milk and empty calories from sugar. If it is not accompanied by sufficient physical activity, this excess calories can cause a slow increase in weight.

Consumption of milk coffee which often also increases the risk of heart disease. Fat saturated in milk can increase levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). While sugar can trigger inflammation and oxidative stress, which is the main factor causing heart problems. If this habit continues in the long term, heart health can be threatened.

Drinking milk coffee in the morning can also interfere with the absorption of important nutrients from the food consumed. For example, tannin in coffee can bind minerals such as calcium and iron, thereby reducing its efficiency in the body. If this habit is done continuously, you are at risk of experiencing an important nutritional shortage.

Coffee is a natural diuretic, which means it can increase the frequency of urinating and cause dehydration. Coupled with milk, which can also cause diuretic effects in some people, excessive consumption of milk coffee can exacerbate the problem of dehydration. This can have a negative impact on the health of the skin, energy, and body function as a whole.

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