With Kidney Cancer, Vidi Aldiano Admits He Can Only Fight And Try
Vidi Aldiano (Instagram @vidialiano)

JAKARTA - Singer Vidi Aldiano said that until now he is still struggling to fight kidney cancer which he has. Because for Vidi now the only thing he can do is just fight and try.

"The current condition is still trying to recover, so just pray. Because now the process is still trying and struggling. So there's nothing I can do more than that, fight and try," said Vidi Aldiano in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, September 4.

One of the struggles he made was to carry out treatment to the country of Thailand as a form of effort.

"So like all the efforts I made, yesterday I also did a detox in Thailand to make an effort," added Vidi Aldiano.

Furthermore, Vidi admitted that he only needed prayers and support from his friends because his struggle would continue.

"Yes, just pray, I just need and pray and continue to support my friends. Because the journey still doesn't know how long it will take," he said.

For his own work, Vidi has also started to limit himself according to his body condition by changing his work schedule. "Reducing not only now may be able to control working hours because in the past maybe working hours could be until midnight or morning. Now nothing has reached like that. So you know the limits," he said.

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