His Son Was Accused Of Being Durhaka After Not Asking The News, Nunung: That's A Risk
Nunung (Instagram @nunung63.official)

JAKARTA - Nunung responded to the news that his children were accused of being disobedient after never asking about the news during cancer. For Nunung, it has become a risk for his children and he deliberately does it so that his child can be awakened.

"Yes, it's a risk, yes, I have to be like this so they know," said Nunung in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, September 3.

Even so, Nunung explained that now his relationship with his children is in good condition. "Good, fine," said Nunung.

Previously, Nunung told a sad story about his children who allegedly never asked the news when they were battling breast cancer.

As a result, Nunung chose to block the contact of all of his children even though he had tried to provoke the sensitivity of his children.

"I've been blocking all of their contacts (children) for a long time. Because I've been sarcastic, I've been fishing and even writing statuses in WA with words or they're not sensitive," explained Nunung, quoted by VOI from YouTube Wendy Cagur, Tuesday, August 27.

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