Call The Good Name Destroyed Like Palestine, Edward Akbar: Why Am I Being Convicted?
Edward Akbar - Kimberly RDer (Instagram @kimberlyryder)

JAKARTA - Edward Akbar spoke about the lawsuit filed by Kimberly Border against him. He even mentioned that his good name was destroyed like the cries of the Palestinian people.

"My good name in world life is destroyed like a spring in Palestine destroyed. Later Allah will definitely restore it," said Edward Akbar in a deleted social media post.

"Indeed, the test is not easy, please all of you, because only Allah knows the truth and everything happens with His decision. And life is only temporary. Those who have felt the loss of their parents must understand. (If my mother was still there, but life was not a conjecture)," he continued.

Edward Akbar also admitted that he was slandered by cheating, but he never had an affair even when Kimberly Border was still in England.

"Initially he was slandered as having an affair, it wasn't. Can you do that? Honestly, I'm proud that I've never had an affair since I waited for him to study in England. So what really was the beginning? Don't twist," he said.

When asked separately, Kimberly Border explained that he was very open if Edward Akbar wanted to meet his children as long as he asked him to do well.

"If it's good, why are you accused of embezzlement of criminal reports? That's not good, you know," wrote Edward Akbar.

Furthermore, Edward said the NL figure reported by Kimberly was a good friend and helped their family a lot.

"Then the NL people who are good with our families, have helped move around for a long time, picked up goods. Always help, sincerely, accused of embezzlement too. Good? " he asked.

"Yes, I will let there be a decision later. Today is the birthday of the deceased, my beloved mother. Thank you," concluded Edward Akbar.

KimberlyRIDer reported Edward Akbar on charges of car embezzlement to the South Jakarta Metro Police on June 27. Kimberly claims her husband embezzled her BMW car since 2023. The report was filed in conjunction with a divorce suit.

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