5 Portraits Of Audrey Davis, David Bayu's Son Who Returned To Social Media After The Exciting Video Case
David Bayu - Audrey (Instagram @davidbayubj)

JAKARTA - Audrey Davis appeared on social media after being involved in the exciting video case. He uploaded an article on his social media that talked about identity.

Audrey's return to social media a few days after the perpetrators of the exciting video were determined. AP, who is Audrey's ex-lover, is said to be the spreader of exciting videos because he felt hurt.

Audrey, who is the son of musician David Bayu, is known to be a child who is very free in expression. Through his social media, he often shares photos of himself including when watching concerts with his father.

The name Audrey given by David Bayu and his wife was inspired by Audrey Hepburn, a Hollywood celebrity.

David Bayu often shares moments when their family goes together, one of which goes to the Clockenflap music festival in 2023. Audrey wears a bralette combined with a jeans-colored jumpsuit.

Audrey Davis, who is growing up, is increasingly expressive in showing himself. He wears open clothes that show some of his tattoos.

The music video star, Deritaku, experienced an unpleasant incident after his name was involved in the case of spreading exciting videos. Audrey, who confirmed that he was the figure in the video, did not know that he was recorded in a video made by AP.

The existence of David Bayu supports Audrey Davis to undergo the process of examining the exciting video case. From the start, David was seen continuing to accompany his son to the Resort Police to provide information. On several occasions, he also responded to reporters' questions and was determined to continue to support his son.

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