Active Again On Social Media Amid Syur Video Cases, Audrey Davis Questions Himself
Audrey Davis (Instagram @audreydavisputri)

JAKARTA - Musician David Bayu's daughter, Audrey Davis finally opened her voice after being dragged into the exciting video case she had done with her ex-lover, AP. On her personal Instagram, Audrey poured out her heart where she felt that she had remained the same person since she was born until now.

"I know I have been the same person since I was born, in the same body and the same mind," said Audrey Davis, quoted by VOI from Instagram @audrey.davis, Monday, August 26.

He can also realize every thing he thinks is like flowing in his life. "My thoughts are always with me, but what I think and feel flow every second of my life," continued Audrey.

Even so, now he feels there is something different and disappears from his identity which makes him ask who he really is. "Are I still me? And if not, then who am I?," concluded Audrey Davis.

Previously, Audrey Davis admitted that he received threats from his ex-girlfriend AP 5 times before his exciting video was distributed.

The police, through the Dirreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak, admitted that they had pocketed the evidence of the threat.

"There were at least 4 to 5 times. And then it was realized with the suspect AP contacting several managers or X-account owners to distribute or transmit electronic documents containing immorality or containing pornography," Ade Safri told reporters, Wednesday, August 21.

Therefore, Audrey has also reported AP with the alleged threat to the authorities.

"Maybe I will confirm again, why on the 7th we made a report, because there are allegations and indeed after processing, there is a threat to spread. So the decision from our client and daughter, made a report on August 7 yesterday," said Audrey Davis' attorney, Sandy Arifin at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday, August 13.

"Because we have attached the evidence, there are also several witnesses who have been examined. Including our client Audrey (AD), from his family and parents," explained Sandy Arifin.

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