Cars In Jakarta, Edward Akbar Denies Embezzlement
Edward Akbar (Instagram @edward_akbar)

JAKARTA - Edward Akbar firmly denied that he did not embezzle the car as reported by his wife, KimberlyRIDer.

Edward said that the BMW brand car was still there. He even said that the car was in Jakarta. "(The car) is there, it is in Jakarta," said Edward Akbar at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, August 12.

Not only that, Edward also insisted that he did not embezzle him because the car was bought at the time of his marriage to Kimberly.

So the car should be included in their shared wealth.

"Because it was really bought at the time of the examination as a joint treasure, so just face it with the truth," said Edward Akbar.

Therefore, he emphasized that there was no element of embezzlement as alleged. "Comply all, meaning not to be an element of embezzlement," added Edward Akbar.

Will undergo the first examination, Edward Akbar asked for prayers so that all matters related to this case can run smoothly. "Yes, just pray, bismillah," he asked.

Previously, Kimberly Border was suspected of reporting her husband Edward Akbar on suspicion of embezzlement of a vehicle in the form of a car. This report was filed by KimberlyRIDer on Thursday, June 27 yesterday at the South Jakarta Metro Police.

"Yes, that's right, so the report from the KR sister was Thursday, June 20, 2024 at around 7 pm at the South Jakarta Police. With number 1019," said Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Police AKP Nurma Dewi at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, July 17.

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