Men Also Need To Get HPV Vaccines, Doctors Explain The Benefits
Vaccine Illustration (Photo: Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Giving the HPV vaccine is useful for protecting the body from human papillomavirus infection (HPV) for women. Not only women, this vaccine can also be given to men.

A specialist in skin and genitals from the Association of Indonesian Skin and Gender Specialists (Perdoski) Dr. dr. Wresti Indriatmi, Sp.DVE, Subsp. Ven., M.Epid, FINSDV, FAADV recommends giving HPV vaccines to men to prevent the risk of cervical cancer in their partners.

"HPV vaccines can be given to men to reduce the risk of cervical cancer in their partner," said Wresti, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, July 29.

Giving vaccines to men turns out to help reduce the incidence of cervical cancer, where women are protected by the benefits of vaccines during sexual intercourse.

In addition, the HPV vaccine for men includes protection against the risk of an anogenital warty of up to 90 percent.

"There have been many studies that say that when a vaccine is introduced to men, there is also a decrease for cervical cancer. There has been a decrease in vaccines for women, especially with men," he said.

Wresti further revealed that the HPV 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9), the HPV quadrivalent (Gardasil) vaccine, and the HPV bivalent (Cervarix) vaccine cannot be used to treat cervical cancer.

Therefore, he suggested that men or women, especially those who have had sex to get the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer or diseases related to human papillomavirus infection.

The HPV vaccine is generally given in 2 doses within a 6-12 month interval, for individual women and men aged between 16 and 45 years.

Certificate cancer or better known as cervical cancer is a condition when the growth of malignant cells in the cervix/uncontrolled cervix.

It is known, cervix cancer or better known as cervical cancer is a condition when the growth of malignant cells in the cervix/uncontrolled cervix.

Based on its relation to uterine neck cancer, HPV is grouped into a high-risk or high-risk and low-risk type. More than 75 percent of uterine neck cancer cases are caused by high-risk HPV types 16 and 18.

"Even to determine whether someone has been protected, after three injections it is advisable to conduct a pap smear examination for women," he said.

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