Lepek Rambut Usai Olahraga, Begini Tips Menanya Agar Tetap Menarik
Illustration of tips on hair management after sports (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA Setelah olahraga atau aktivitas menyusari, rambut akan lepek dan kual kecut. Tentu saat kondisi seperti ini akan memengaruhkan kepercayaan. Nah, menurut sejumlah penyakit rambut, ikuti tips menata rambut lepek dan menyusari setelah olahraga berikut ini.

Even though it's clear, dry shampoo can help instantly improve the appearance of limp hair after exercise. But first rest your hair before arranging it with a hairdryer. After training, you can spray shampoo mists on your scalp and rub it gently and evenly. Then dry it but avoid using hot temperature.

If your hair is in good condition before exercise, one of the easiest ways to make hair not limp because of sweat is to take the top of the hair and loose flip-flops from the crown. Take the bottom and tie with a hair tie and then tie the horse's tail loose. This tip helps sweat when the sport evaporates quickly without having to transfer to the hair so that it makes it limp.

Suggestions for hairclists who usually handle Rihanna, Kendall Dorsey, your hair braids before exercise. It could be one or make two Kepangs. After the finish of the sport, take off your braids and use products for roots and as long as useful hair absorbs sweat and adds volume and texture.

Kepang is not the only style of hair styling that requires accuracy. Hair style is twisted, or rotated, it also makes a charming appearance even after exercise. You do this, a hair node that is chosen and it's okay to mess up a little to impress a sexy look. If you have straight hair, slicing or pilinan, it will make your hair corrugated beautifully after exercising.

Bando is not only a trend along with the current revival of Y2K hairstyles. Launching Byrdie, Wednesday, July 17, wearing a bando is also a great way to get rid of sweat. You can also use cloth bando or headbands to absorb moisture. But choose cotton made that can be relied on to absorb sweat around the temples, ubuns, and the bottom of the hair on the neck.

The above method can be done as a stylized tip even though the hair is limp after exercise. To avoid disheveled hair, it can be tied gently with hair ties made of silk, for example. If possible, use a hair dryer with a cold temperature setting when the hair is still moist.

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