Safe Food Limits From Expiration Dates, Understand Expired Date Understanding First
Illustration of checking the expiration date of packaged food products (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA As a smart consumer, you are advised to know the safe limits of food from the expiration date. This is because many still misunderstand the expiration date listed on packaged food. Here's the explanation.

Before knowing how long the food safe limit has expired, first know the rules related to processed food labels.

If you refer to the Regulation of the POM No. 31 of 2018 concerning the Processed Food Label, the expiration statement is the deadline for food with the assurance of the quality of the origin of storage carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Reporting from the MSME Palace, the expiration date or expiration date is a long food time in good condition before the food starts to rot, malnutrition, or starts to become unsafe for consumption.

The expiration date label is usually used in packaged foods that have resilience but for a certain period of time. However, in other countries, such as Europe, expiration date is used to show the age of food storage.

On the Cleveland Clinic website, it is said that throwing away food products after the expiration date is a good suggestion. However, expired food is not always completely unsuitable for consumption.

The expiration date is also not related to food decay, having a major impact on consumption feasibility, or toxicity. Expenditure dates are used to provide consumers with information on how food products are maintained, both freshness, color, taste, and texture.

Meanwhile, the safe limit for food from expiration date is different, depending on the type of food and how the material is stored.

For example, milk products that can still be consumed three days or even two weeks after the expiration date of arrival as long as the product is stored in the refrigerator with the lowest temperature. Similar to eggs, chicken meat, fish can also be consumed up to two or three days after being purchased as long as they are stored in a low-temperature refrigerator.

In addition to the organic ingredients above, other food ingredients, namely margarine which can be consumed four to six months after being purchased as long as the packaging is still good, tightly closed, and stored in the refrigerator.

Dry foods even have longer endurance. Eating such as dry pasta, chips, or other types can be stored one to two years after being purchased. Meanwhile, canned foods, whether vegetables, fruit, meat can be stored for a very long time as long as they are stored until frozen with a record that canned packaging is still good, not damaged or torn, supporting, or without carats.

What should be known is that not all foods expire into toxic and harmful foods, it's just that there will be a decrease in nutrition and nutrition as well as quality. However, if the food smells, changes in color and texture, or other abnormal conditions, immediately dispose of the material.

That's the food safe limit from expiration date. Visit to get more interesting information.

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