5 Simple Steps To Face Care For Ages 40 Years And Over
Illustration of two women of different ages (Unsplash / Walter Gadea)

JAKARTA - A fresh face when smiling is certainly pleasing to the eye. Besides that, the face also reflects the character of the owner. Starting from adolescence to the age of 40s, facial skin will experience many changes, from still tight to finding signs of aging.

The problem of aging skin is a problem for women in general. However, as long as it is properly cared for and in accordance with the skin's needs, moisture and firmness will be maintained. Have you started looking for how to treat facial skin for ages 40 years and over?

How come there are simple steps you can take to keep facial skin beautiful. Check out the following recommended steps that you can choose to keep facial skin tight and charming.

Routinely use a cleanser

At the age of 40 years and over, it is recommended to use a cleanser or facial cleanser that contains ceramide, glycerin, and vitamin E. What are the benefits of these ingredients?

In short, a dematologist suggests a naturally moisturizing cleanser. Ceramide will retain moisture, glycerin will maximize skin surface hydration from the deepest layer, and vitamin E is able to produce natural moisture.

Doctor Marta Viera from the Department of Dermatology, University of Miami recommends washing hands before touching the face, including when cleaning. Wash your face with warm water to open pores and apply a cleanser. Don't forget to apply it in a circle from face to neck.

Wear sunscreen

If daily care such as washing your face and eating nutritious foods your skin needs have been done, Dr. Mona Gohara as a clinical professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine recommends some ingredients in sunscreen for you.

To treat facial skin aged 40 and over, of course, you cannot avoid using sunscreen. Especially it needs to be used when leaving the house or doing outdoor activities. The sunscreen content needed for mature age is zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and iron oxide.

When choosing a sunscreen, check the ingredients on the back of the package and find the three ingredients. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide can minimize the appearance of dark spots due to exposure to UVA and UVB rays.

Meanwhile, iron oxide minimizes the effect of blue light from cellphone and computer screens on the skin. Gohara recommends sunscreen SPF 30 to be applied to the face to ears and neck.

Use of serum

Doctor Arisa Ortis, director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at the University of California recommends using a morning serum that contains antioxidants, including vitamins C, E, B5 and resveratrol. Its function is to prevent free radicals from sticking to and damaging skin cells.

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Illustration using serum (Unsplash / Mathilde Langevin)

Night serum is suggested to contain peptide and retinol. This content helps remove dead skin cells and thin out wrinkles.


Moisturizers or moisturizers for facial care aged 40 years and over need to contain niacinamide, ceramides, glycerin, and hyaluronic acid. According to Gohara, these ingredients can maintain moisture and keep facial skin tight.

Use an exfoliator twice a week

Exfoliators function to remove dead skin cells, regenerate new cells, clean pores, and reduce pigmentation. The suggestion is to exfoliate your face every two weeks with products containing glycolic, lactic, mandelic or salicylic acid.

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Illustration of exfoliation (Unsplash / Raphael Lovaski)

Besides doing the facial treatment with the five steps above, you can add neck cream and eye cream. Neck creams are used to reduce wrinkles, especially those containing tetrapeptides, algae extracts, glucosamine, and omega-3 fatty acids.

You can apply the neck cream every morning and evening. Because the texture of the cream is thicker than any moisturizer or sunscreen, so apply it lightly.

Well, while eye cream can function to thin dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes. Choose an eye cream that contains caffeine, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid to thin out the fine lines under the eyes.

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